Volpelleres Forest

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Updated: 02/27/2024

C/ Alfons d'Aragó, s/n
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès



Marta de Castro

Ajuntament de Sant Cugat | Cultura, Coneixement i Promoció de la ciutat

(+34) 93. 675.99.51/ 627. 43. 79. 90 EXT. 2891/4190


The Volpelleres forest is a unique, centuries-old Mediterranean forest, covering an approximate area of 15 hectares, between the neighborhoods of Coll Favà, Sant Domènec and Volpelleres.

The forest is a habitat of community interest. In the heart of the forest, near its river torrent, riverside vegetation of great ecological value is concentrated: holm oaks, oaks, white pines, etc.

The human footprint is evident around the forest, with the presence of modern constructions and modifications to its landscape. One of the curiosities is that the forest path is paved, in order to facilitate a circuit for practicing the sport.