Barcelona hosts the shooting of two music videos


The group Sabor de Gràcia and the rapper Rapsusklei, protagonists in the recordings of two music video in the city.

The music video Una mirada a Barcelona, a song of the Catalan group Sabor de Gràcia, has been shot during this month. The song is a tribute to the city and the cultural diversity through its neighborhoods and its people. The video is directed by Clara Xuclà and it was in charge of In Zink Films.

The new station L9 Collblanc hosted the filming of the music video Manifest and a flashmob for the European cultural project Rebel Babel, a collective of musicians from all over the continent, united around the hip hop culture to share their art, their languages and styles. Rapper Rapsusklei is the Spanish Ambassador of this project and he was performing the music video with the Polish collective Luc and the Galician singer Woyza, and also with the participation of Taller de Músics de Barcelona brass band.

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