Afilm International Film Workshops

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Carrer Victor Balaguer 20-22 Esc. 2 Bj. 1
Postal code: 
Phone numbers: 
+34 938 947 167

We give students the chance from day one to be making shorts and create/ crew on features, as far as we know we are one of the only institutes in Europe or the US who does so. Our dream from day one, as an alternative Barcelona film school, has been to create high energy, high impact intensive courses that would catapult students and professionals to a better place faster and better. We’ve created a series of workshops, short courses and year courses which guide, nuture and engage both students and professionals. Today Afilm is a melting pot of creativity and productivity, the place where many leading international directors and creative professionals chose to come to share and support young Filmmakers. We are based in Sitges, just 30 mins south of Barcelona city Centre. Sitges has the largest street carnival in mainland Europe, is home to a major international film festival and has five museums and a University for performing arts. At Afilm you’ll meet fellow international students who’ve been handpicked from around the globe. Committed to making this a more tolerant, just world through storytelling- join us for the most hard-core, inspiring year of your life.