'Banys Vells' Fishing Shack

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Updated: 03/11/2016

Estany de Banyoles
17820 Banyoles



Albert Cicres i Bosch

Medi ambient - Ajuntament de Banyoles

+34 972 57 00 50      


Horari de contacte: Dilluns a divendres de 8 a 15 hores

One of the singularities of Banyoles are their pesqueres, 20 little buildings around the Banyoles Lake originally used as a fishing shacks, although some of them have capacity for one or two boats and can be even used as little residences. Nowadays, they are all private and only the exteriors can be used for shoots. 

This pesquera, called Banys Vells (Old Baths), is one of the three emplacements adapted for swimming in the lake.