Updated: 01/31/2024
Centre històric
Carme Alòs / Irma Secanell
Directora Museu de la Noguera i tècnica de turisme / Cap de comunicació
calos@balaguer.cat / comunicacio@balaguer.cat
+34 973 44 51 94 (Museu de la Noguera – Oficina de Turisme) / +34 973 445 200 (Paeria de Balaguer)
Plaça del Mercadal has always been a space for fairs and markets. Surely already in Andalusian period it was used to celebrate the market there, as usually they were located on the outskirts of the cities.
Balaguer has had the privilege of holding a market on Saturdays since 1211, thanks to a privilege granted by King Pere I, and has been celebrated continuously since then.
Another market space is the so-called Mercat del Reng, a space of the same Plaça Mercadal where the farmers of the area can still sell their produce today daily products. This is a privilege that has been maintained since 1803.