Laurenz Puddick: “Internet has changed the way we communicate and it has transformed the media industry around the world”.


We interview Laurenz Puddick, International Sales Manager of KFTV, a website that helps you to search for film, TV and commercial production services companies in 173 countries. On KFTV, you can find everything from film commissions, locations services, film crew, camera equipment and studios.

How did you start working in the media business?

I was always in sales from my previous employment but on different trade and business magazines like fashion, food and drinks publications and I was always attracted to work for the media industry. I was contacted by a friend of mine to work on KFTV over 16 years ago. And I am still here enjoying selling advertising space for our amazing digital platform of KFTV and our new KFTV guide which is dedicated to productions services worldwide.


What’s your work? What do you do now?

I visit most countries represented on KFTV, I cover mainly Europe but South and Central America too. I deal directly with executive producers, producers, directors, owners from production service companies, film commissions, studios and stages, equipment rental houses, post productions facilities, locations facilities and services, anyone who provide services for the film, tv and commercial industry. And of course, I am still doing it and I’m really enjoy it!


​Do you think that the way the film productions work has changed in the last years?

Yes, I do believe that there has been a change due to high and tv drama, videogames and interactive content which is getting more and more popular. Of course, also more international incentive is introduced every year which attracts international productions in specific countries- with generous rebates, locations, audiovisual companies with good infrastructure to provide all facilities and services needed and required in that country.


Do you think it’s related with the arrival of internet?

Yes, as well. The internet has facilitated when production companies, tv channels and advertising agencies are searching. Of course, so much quicker. And this is why KFTV has been so successful. But also, with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram searches are mostly done on line which is why we are now linking all the company’s profiles on KFTV to these social media links too.


KFTV was before the Kemps Film, Television and Commercial Production Services Handbook. How did the idea of creating the website come after 50 years existing as a paper book?

Actually, KFTV was always an abbreviation for Kemps and it stands for Kemps Film, Television and Video. The first book was published 62 years ago in 1958. 16 years ago, we created the website and this is why it is still called The internet first went public 20 years ago (in 1991 to be precise). However, in 1992/1993 was when the public really started to use it. That’s when we decided to create our own website due to the international demand of our users and the increase of traffic year after year. We do get 2.4 million views yearly on KFTV, for 41.000 unique visits monthly as from today. We decided to stop publishing the hard copy eight years ago. Saving the trees! But also, because people wanted to be online where they do research. However, this was also a better option for us as we can update the information very quickly. And anyone who wishes to advertise or promote their services can be found anywhere around the world directly on the website. The web has become part of our everyday live, something we access at home, on the move, on production, in the office, on our phones and on tv. Internet has changed the way we communicate and it has transformed the media industry around the world.


What we can find at your website?

You can find anything you need for production services all around the world. KFTV is well used for the pre-production when production managers, producers, directors, researchers, line managers, location managers, art directors are looking for new and existing suppliers worldwide when shooting for a commercial, film, tv series, photo shoot, documentaries. They will be able to find any film commission, crew hire and support services, production services companies, location facilities services, studios, equipment rental, post production facilities, SFX props and wardrobe.


Why do you think KFTV is useful for the audiovisual industry?

Because the website is so easy to navigate through out and free to use, you don’t need to register. And most of the companies represented and advertising their services has been visited by my colleagues and myself, which makes us unique because no other publication does the same. But also means that companies are checked out, not only we have been in their offices, we looked on their website, what is new, what there have been working on, which means all the companies on KFTV are reliable and professional within the industry.


Your company organizes ​The Media Production Show, that is held in June. What is exactly and who is targeted to visit it?

The Media Production Show will be from the 12th to 13th of June in Olympia-London, after NAB Show in Los Angeles and before Cannes Lions. This is our third annual media production show and is the biggest line up of leading industry speakers covering the hot topics; the best kit launches and exclusive productions services to the show floor. It’s a high level of content and brands, supported by our sister’s publications, KFTV of course will be there, The Knowledge, Broadcast, Screen International and Shoots. And we are able to truly deliver world class content as part of our visitors offering. The visitors will be from senior representatives from leading broadcasters, TV, films and advertising production companies, post houses, digital agencies and media suppliers. We are expected to see over 6000 visitors in two days!


What offers to the visitors?

Our visitors will have access to top products and services such as cameras, lighting, editing software, post facilities hire, studios facilities, animation, VFX, education, visual editing, sound recording, sound editing, production services locations, outside broadcasting, virtual reality, finance, legal insurance…but also be able to attend to great seminars too!


Why do you think The Media Production Show is interesting for Film Commissions?

Because this year we will have an exclusive “new” production services village within The Media Production Show which is designed for producers, production managers, production co-coordinators to meat with exhibitors offering services unique to their needs.


This year is the third edition of the show. How did you decide to create it?

Because there was nothing in the UK which such high level of content, brands, and services all under one roof. It’s much better to have one show than have to go to different shows for different elements of the industry. We wanted to merge a lot of different people from all walks of the industry, with high quality attendees, industry professionals which was important to have and be beneficial to all the exhibitors and visitors.


And what we can expect for this year edition?

This year will be even better. We already have 6000 visitors registered to attend the MPS. And with our new production services village we can expect even more attendees form the UK but also internationally! Please, come along, it’s free to register just need to log in at!



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