Truls Kontny "We want to create synergies among the EUFCN members"


This month we interview Truls Kontny, president of the EUFCN - European Film Commissions Network and director of the Norwegian Film Commission.  

- What is the role and the mission of the EUFCN?

EUFCN is a network for all the film commissioners in Europe. The mission is to promote the film commissioners case in relation to EU regulations, rise the visibility of what film commissioners do and can offer, educate film commissioners and to chare experience among our members. 


- Which kind of activities and events do you organize in order to create a European network with the EUFCN’s members?

For the members we have member meetings during Berlin film festival and Cannes film festival, in addition we have a yearly general assembly in november/desember somewhere in one of our members jurisdiction. We also arrange networking events in both Berlin and Cannes. Over the last year we have also started to be present at Location trade Show, SxSW in Austin and at Busan film festival. We are invited to a lot of different places, both festivals and other events to be part of panels or to present what we can do and offer. This year we are also invited to Series Mania in Paris and will most truly be present at Shanghai film festival as well.

In this way we rise the visibility of both our network and also of what each member can offer to the filmmakers that wants to do something in their area. 

- Talking about the future, what are the challenges for the organization? 

The biggest challenge is the economy of the network. We have a lot of ideas, of what to do, but so far the only income has been our membership fee. It is a limit to what we can ask the members to pay. We have now looked into the possibilities of getting EU funding and have one application in for evaluation now.

 - This month some of the EUFCN’s film commissions are going to take part in AFCI locations show in LA, including the Barcelona Film Commission. How this presence will benefit these film commissions? 

First of all it is of big value to meet other film commissioners from all over the word to share experiences. Hopefully the LTS will be visited by a lot of potential clients for the different commissioners as well, so they can bring some business with them back home.

- Which are the main activities that are going to be held at AFCI locations show?

First of all it is a exhibition where all the participants have the possibilities to showcase what they can offer. Hopefully they will have the posibilities to meet with a lot of potential clients. Many have also prebooked meetings with producers and the main studios outside of the LTS. Next it is important to meet other fellow commissioners to share experience and to maintain the network.

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